Nexus 4 Pro (N4 Pro)

$379.99 USD


  • 新世代Novatek先端チップセット
  • 3チャンネル4Kドライブレコーダー
  • 動体検知ゾーンのカスタマイズ
  • 高画質と優れた暗視性能
  • 5GHz高周波Wi-Fi
  • 最大512GBまでのmicroSDカードに対応
  • 信頼できる事故証言者
  • 取り付けが簡単
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合計金額:$625.95 USD

Nexus 4 Pro

真の4K Ultra HD記録

N4 Proは、フロントとリアのカメラにより4k+1080P+1080P/30FPSで記録し、昼夜を問わずノイズやモーションブラーを少なくし、細部までとらえることで優れた画質を実現しました。


155° 160° 165° 3チャンネルで360°の保護ができます。

フロントカメラ:Sony STARVIS 2 IMX678 + HDR

フロントカメラは、Sony STARVIS 2 IMX678 8M CMOSセンサーを備え、最大4K(3840x2160)解像度で映像を記録でき、細部まで鮮明に捉えることができます。露出や明暗のバランスを自動的に調整する独自のHDR(ハイダイナミックレンジ)技術とともに、夜間の超低照度下でも暗い道においてもより細部までとらえることができます。




リアカメラには、HDR多重露光技術を搭載した200万画素のSONY Starvisナイトビジョンセンサーを採用し、高コントラストなシーンでも画像の詳細を最大限に表現できるため、ヘッドライトが完全に点灯していても後続車のナンバープレートをはっきりととらえることができます。




ワイヤレスリモコンには、2つのボタンがあります。 1つは音声録音のオン/オフ、もう1つは写真撮影と現在の映像をロックします。 コントローラを手元に近い位置に取り付けることで、より簡単に、より安全に操作できます。


N4 Proドライブレコーダーは、撮影が可能な高度な音声コントロールを備えています。 多言語(英語/日本語/ロシア語/中国語)の音声コマンドで、マイクのミュート/アンミュート、録画終了、ビデオロックができで、運転中も前方に集中できます。

5GHz Wi-Fi

5GHzの高周波Wi-Fiを使えば、スマートフォンに簡単にカメラを設置でき、ビデオクリップの閲覧、編集、スマートフォンへのダウンロード、FacebookやInstagramなどのソーシャルメディアへの共有が、本来の2.4GHz Wi-Fiよりもはるかに速くできます。

新しいVantrue APP

また、新しいVantrue APPでは、スマートフォンとのWi-Fi接続体験や、スマートフォン経由でのドライブレコーダーへのファームウェア更新がより使いやすくなっています。さらに、新しいアプリでは、走行ルートレポートを簡単に作成・ダウンロードすることができます。








5分以内に動きが検出されない場合、ドライブレコーダーはパークモードになり、720p 15FPSで録画を継続します。 各クリップの長さは、ループ録画の設定と同じになります。




カメラは3M接着剤でフロントガラスに固定できます。 また、フロントカメラマウントは革新的なマグネット構造で設計されており、マウント全体を取り外すことなく、いつでも簡単にフロントダッシュカメラを取り外すことができます。




デュアルGPSシステムモジュールを搭載したN5は、走行ルートと速度をより正確に記録します。Vantrue Cam AppやVantrue playerを使ってスマホやパソコンで動画を再生する際に、ルートを追跡することができます。


N4 Proの電源システムは、電池ではなくスーパーキャパシタをベースにしており、電池よりも安全性が高く、寒さや猛暑に耐えることができ、より長い寿命が保証されています。

最大512GB SDカード対応



Customer Reviews

Based on 54 reviews
Daniel M.
The Best Dash Cam

The Nexus 4 Pro offers excellent value and provides clear, high-quality video, even at night, thanks to its advanced super night vision and supports up to 512GB storage, ideal for extensive recordings. With Wi-Fi for quick downloads and easy installation, it’s a reliable, top-tier choice for accident documentation.

Solid camera with many configuration settings

I recently installed the Vantrue N4 Pro in my car, and it’s hands down one of the best dash cams I’ve ever used.

The N4 Pro records in crisp 4K resolution on the front camera, while the interior and rear cameras capture high-quality 1080p video. The clarity is outstanding, both day and night. Even in low-light conditions, the night vision captures sharp, clear footage thanks to its advanced Sony STARVIS sensor. License plates and road signs are easily readable, which is a huge plus.

Sanjay S.
Good camera, has gaps in recording, installation service isn't great

I bought the vantrue bundle which included the following: Nexus 4 Pro (N4 Pro), Vantrue 512G microSD Card, and the Voltage Display Hardwire Kit. I got a discount because I used a code for the deal that they sent me.

I then was looking for an installation place (yes, I could have done it myself but I chose to let someone else do it), and found a place in Queens that was recommended and had a price of $50 through the Vantrue site. So, after purchasing, I went and had the unit installed. All seemed to go well and I used the unit for a week or two and even bought the CPL for E-Series | N5 | N4 Pro | N2X | S1 Pro polarizing lens for the front camera.

About a few weeks after having the camera installed I started looking at the images and found that the place that Vantrue recommends in NYC to install the camera, installed the rear camera upside down. Now, this isn't a place I just wandered into to get them to install the camera, this is the actual place Vantrue says to go to and charges $50 to install the device.

The camera itself works fine, it has LOTS of gaps. For example yesterday, it failed to completely capture 99% of my ride out to the rockaways but magically captured me parking the car.

The software itself has a solution for an upside-down installed rear camera (c'mon guys how often does this happen that you had put in a software workaround?). That did fix the issue but it's weird that the place Vantrue sent me to who are supposed to be experts, installed the rear camera upside-down.

The two images I posted here are from the rear camera. Imagine viewing the images after you've been using the camera for a week or two and seeing this?

Rohit C.
Effortless Installation and High-Tech Features: The Nexus 4 Pro Dashcam

I recently installed the Nexus 4 Pro (N4 Pro) dashcam in my vehicle, and I couldn’t be more pleased with its performance! As someone who spends a good amount of time on the road, having a reliable dashcam was a top priority for me, and the N4 Pro truly delivers.

The standout feature has to be its stunning 4K video quality; it’s like having a front row seat to every drive I take. Whether it’s bright daylight or pitch black, the image quality remains sharp, thanks to its impressive low-light capabilities. The super night vision technology captures all the crucial details—no more wondering what happened on those late-night journeys!

I also appreciate the 3-channel functionality; having cameras that cover the front, rear, and interior is a major relief when it comes to safety. Setting it up was a breeze; the user-friendly installation made it possible for me to have it up and running in no time.

Another huge plus is the built-in high-frequency 5GHz Wi-Fi, which makes transferring and reviewing footage incredibly fast and seamless. I never thought I'd want to view dashcam footage on my phone as much as I do now! And with the support for up to a 512GB microSD card, I can store footage without constantly worrying about running out of space.

However, it would have been perfect if this came with option to upload directly to the cloud!

In terms of reliability, the N4 Pro gives me peace of mind as a trustworthy witness in case of an accident—something that’s become increasingly vital on today's roads. Whether you’re a fellow road warrior or just someone wanting to keep their precious vehicle protected, I can’t recommend the Nexus 4 Pro enough. It’s not just a dashcam; it’s a crucial part of my driving routine!

A K.
Good product

Good value of money . Reviewed more than 10 different product but this one is best.